In Memory of Captain Michael Nerandzic
June 12, 2011
FRIEDBERG, GERMANY - It is with great sadness that we report the death of Captain Mike Nerandzic, one of the world's most experienced Airship Pilots. With a total of 26 years airship piloting experience covering more than 18,000 flight hours in 24 countries, Captain Nerandzic was a talented pilot with a deep passion for flying.
Captain Nerandzic died while saving three passengers on the airship that he was piloting. He was attempting to land an A60 Goodyear airship at an airfield at Reichelsheim in Germany, when the blimp gondola caught fire during descent.
Captain Nerandzic always put other people first. He will be a real loss to our community. His family and friends have our deepest sympathy. His life touched many.
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