Lorie Karnath joins German Local Organizing Committee
March 16, 2008

BERLIN, GERMANY - The World Air League is pleased to announce the Ms. Lorie Karnath has joined the World Sky Race Germany Local Organizing Committee (GLOC). As a member of the Explorer's Club who has been to both the North and South poles, her experiences on a global scale will be a valuable addition to the vision of the GLOC.

Lorie served on the board of the National Foundation for Cancer Research for six years and is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Exploration Society. She also serves on the board of The Explorers Club, and chairs its Western European Chapter. In addition, Lorie is a founding member (Hong Kong) and fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (UK) and serves as the representative for the committee for Nobel Laureates in Lindau. In addition, she devotes significant time to not-for-profit activities, particularly in the field of science education.

The GLOC is not only responsible for organizing routing and ground events while the race is in Germany, but is also assisting in coordinating one of several possible exhibitions which will precede the World Sky Race.

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